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Facility Rental Charges

Updated: 01/27/2022
Prices are subject to change. 

Masking is optional!

Room Rentals for Members and Non-profits/Non-Member Corporate Rate:
$700/$1,300 - Schrager Sanctuary
$500/$800 - Chapel
$900/$1,500 - Full Social Hall
$450/$800 - Conference Courtyard (Area near meditation room, Library, Youth Lounge)
$650/$1050 - 1/2 Social Hall
$450/$800 - Simon Community Court
$50/$75 - Classroom 
$400/$650 - Conference Meeting Room
$100/(N/A) Kitchen Rental

Lifecycle Package Deals
$180 - Oneg Sponsor (includes Building Rental and Catering)
$600 - Lifecycle Luncheon (catering NOT included, Dishwasher included)
$700 - Oneg & Luncheon (Catering NOT included)
$800 - Shabbat dinner (Catering NOT included), Oneg, & Luncheon (Catering NOT included)
$1045 - Saturday Luncheon (Catering NOT included) and Saturday Night Party  (Catering NOT included)
$1,500 - Shabbat Dinner (Catering NOT included), Oneg, Luncheon (Catering NOT included) & Saturday Night Celebration (Catering NOT included)

Additional Fees
$500 - Opt out In-house Catering Fee
$50/hr/Officer - Security
$100 - Piano Tuning
$25 - Stage/Podium Rental
$180 - Sponsored Oneg or Dessert Reception
$150 - Technology/Streaming Fee
$100/100 guests - Dishwasher Fee

When planning a Bar/Bat/B'nei Mitzvah, please review our Kiddush Luncheon Guidelines prior to making any plans!

Relevant Policies: 

FOOD Caterer – May 19, 2009 Effective May 2014, Temple Israel has an in-house caterer. If the renter chooses the non inhouse catered option, a caterer’s opt-out fee will apply. Non in-house caterers must be approved by the Executive Director and comply with all food service guidelines.
Effective May 2014, Bar/Bat Mitzvah families may opt out of the in-house caterer, without paying the fee, by notifying the Executive Director by August 1 of the year preceding their simcha.

FOOD Restrictions – June 11, 1986 (Executive Committee) The Temple shall not serve, or permit to be served, any pork or shellfish.

FOOD - Temple Israel Nut Guidelines – February 18, 2020 Temple Israel has adopted the following nut guidelines for our building.
What we will do:
• We will inform our membership that products containing nuts should not be brought into our building or to Temple Israel events outside our building.
• Temple Israel will make all reasonable efforts not to serve food containing nuts.
• We will ask our staff not to consume products with nuts and/or foods containing nuts while in our building.
• Classroom teachers will not provide snacks which, to Temple's knowledge, contain nut products.
• We will inform all caterers and families planning events at Temple Israel about these guidelines.

What we ask of you:
• It is the responsibility of the parent(s) of a child who has a serious food allergy to notify the Director of Congregational Learning.
• The school will work with families to document the child’s emergency health plan.
• It is the responsibility of all congregants, staff and contracted caterers that are provided these guidelines to familiarize themselves with them and assist in maintaining their integrity.

Rental of Temple Facilities - Outside Organizations – June 29, 1994 (Executive Committee)

Any organization which has a member sitting on its board as a representative of Temple Israel or its Auxiliaries, may hold one or more of its board meetings at Temple Israel as long as those meetings are held at a time that the Temple is already open.

Rental of Temple Israel Facilities - Member and Non-Profit Organizations – May 2014
Temple Israel facilities can be rented by all members in good standing. Priority will be given to calendaring in the following order: Temple Israel members scheduled lifecycle events, congregational activities (i.e., Bar/Bat Mitzvah, wedding), outside organizations. Rental subject to approval of the Executive Director.
Rental fees apply – Rental fees on file with Executive Director. Renters must comply with all guidelines.

If the family has not booked within 6 months of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah, the room is eligible for rental.

Rental of Temple Israel Facilities -For-Profit/Corporate Organizations – May 2014
Temple Israel facilities can be rented by for-profit/corporate organizations-- subject to congregational activities. Rental subject to approval of the Executive Director. Rental fees apply – Rental fees on file with Executive Director. Renters must comply with all guidelines.









Sun, October 6 2024 4 Tishrei 5785